Selasa, 19 November 2019


Differential dx : Asthma/Acute Bronchiolitis/Pneumonia/Croup/Pertussis

2 year old malay boy, Full Term / SVD
ANC : Uneventful

-Thid is 2nd hospitalization
- 1st hospitalization at 1 year old : AGE (acute gastroenteritis) admit x 2/7 at HRPZ
- Immunization up to age
- Presented with

·         Rapid breathing x 2/7
  - Worsening on day admission at 12 noon
 - Noted Chest indrawing                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
 - Chesty in nature
- No prolong bout cough (tro pertussis)
- No barking cough (TRO croup)
- Post-tusive vomiting x 2                                                                                                                                                                    (non billious, no blood, milk content)                                                                                                                           
·         Fever x 3/7
- Continous
- No rigor
- Temporarily relieved by syrup PCM 6 hourly
- Highest documented temperature 38.6 C at home
·         Runny Nose x 1/7
- Clear nose discharge
·         Associated with
- Lethargy - mother noted pt sleep all day, usually active and playful
- Reduce oral intake 1/7, usually take 6 bottle (4 onz), however today only take 2 onz
·         Otherwise
- Unsure about PU (passed urine) - claimed as usual
- No diarrhea
- Sick contact with brother had URTI x 1/52 (fever but already resolved)
- Not from dengue prone area                                                                                                                                                                                            
- No h/o travelling
- No water activity

 Interval Symptom (If we thinking of asthma, in patient had strong family history, had multiple admission or nebulization before)
- No daily symptoms
- No nocturnal symptoms
- No exercise induce sympoms
* Ada tak anak puan batuk- batuk atau bersin pada waktu pagi-pagi ketika dia sihat sebelum ni? Malam? Atau ketika dia kuat bermain?
- Patient no allergy rhinitis, but had eczema under HRPZ follow up
- Strong family history of asthma, both parent have allergy rhinitis, maternal auntie has asthma, brother has eczema
 - Multiple history of nebulization before, since 6 month old, about once every 2 month. No admission

- Trigger : URTI/Cold whether, cold drink/dust/cat

*Biasanya, apa yang membuatkan dia mudah nampak lelah atau batuk-batuk sebelum ni?  Contoh  jawapan : Oh doktor, biasa kalau dia selsema atau batuk, dia mudah kelihatan lelah (URTI adalah trigger factor untuknya)

- No cat or carpet at home                    
- Father smokers

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