Ahad, 17 November 2019

Example Assessments

1. Acute on CKD
• Dehydration
• Sepsis
• HD naive
• No oliguric
• No metabolic acidosis
• No hyperkalemia

2. HAP with type 1 respiratory failure
• ETT cnS 2/1/19 Acinobacter XDR
• Completed IV Unasyn high dose
• Blood CnS (2/1/19 So Far No Growth
• ETT CnS 12/1/19 No Growth
• TWC reducing trend
• CRP 180 > 50 > 30
• Status Afebrile

3. Dengue fever with warning sign
 • D4 of illness
• Febrile phase/ Entering critical phase (15 Hour
• Not in shock
• Hemodynamically stable

4. Acute coronary Syndrome
• Based on Clinical symptom
• No ECG changes
• Cardiac Enzyme – pending (Kalau CE raised : Non
STEMI, Kalau CE not raised : Unstable Angina,
kalau pending: ACS)
• Not in failure

5. Non STEMI
• CKMB/CK ratio 17% > 7% ( Reduce in trend)
• On IVI Heparin / Sc Fonda Day 3

6. Chronic Atrial Fibrillation
• Previously on T Dabigatran/ T Warfarin/ T
• Currently rate controlled

7. End Stage Renal Failure with regular HD
• Last HD 3/1/19
• Completed 3 Hour, uneventful/ Complicated
with intradialytic Hypotension, started on single
• Via Right BCF/ AVF/ Right IJC/ Left Femoral etc
• Oliguric, metabolic acidosis, hyperkalemia
• Awaiting HD due today
• With I pint pack cell tranfusion

8. Normocytic Normochromic Anemia secondary
to chronic illness
• No active bleeding
• Hb : static 9.2 -- 9.1
• Stool occult blood negative

9. Community Aqcuired Pneumonia with
• CURB ?
• On Neb Salbutamol 4 Hourly
• Status : improving
• On IV Tazosin/ Unasyn/ Augmentin day 3
(depends on sensitivity and severity)

10.Septicemic shock secondary to CAP/infected
sacral sore with type 1 resp failure
• CURB ?
• Hemodynamicall supported with single inotrope
• TWC increasing trend.
• CRP 200

11.Raised transaminases for IX
Ddx :
• Deranged liver enzyme secondary to 1(eg dengue)
• Drug induce
• Acute ischemic hepatitis
• Status LFT : worsening (AST/ALT)

12.Unilateral Left Lower limb swelling
Soft Tissue Swelling secondary hypoalbuminemia (Alb 20

13.Unstable angina with LV failure ppt by HPT
Ddx anemia induce angina
» Status - angina free
» TIMI 2
» On double antiplatelet
» On SC Fondaparinux 2.5mg Day 2

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