Ahad, 17 November 2019


Pre HO Medicorp KB
Cardiogenic Shock
• Pt concious
• BP < 90/60
• Most common cause : Myocardial Infarction
• Kena buat ECG - Contohnya nampak ada changes,
ST Elevation

• Principle of treatment ;

1. Tx underlying cause (eg Myocardial Infarction)
Thrombolytic Therapy
• Streptokinase -100 mega unit/ 100 cc /Hour

2. Symptomatic TX (eg : Chest pain)
» Pain Killer
IV Morphine 2-2.5mg every 5 min
(Targeted pain score 0-1) - well controlled pain
No maximum dose for morphine
(As long as sedation score 0-1, no limit to give morphine)

 (If sedation score 2,3 can give IV Fentanyl 50 mcg - 100
! kena optimize pain control, sebab boleh worsen MI kalau
sakit persistent. Nak pain score 0- 1.

∆ Oxygen?
Precaution to use, sebab can cause worsen necrosis,
oxidative stress to heart.
Unless if spo2 drop, can start with 1L first, then 2L per

∆ Nitrates
» ? Contraindicated in cardiogenic shock

∆ Inotropes
Example : Dopamine, Dobupamine, Noradrenaline
√ 1st line inotropes in cardiogenic shock, dopamine
√ Other type of shock, 1st line - noradrenaline.
BP : Stroke Volume x Total Peripheral Resistance

Haemorhagic Shock
What if patient that post op (eg laparotomy), suddenly BP drop?
• Check Temp
» Fever : Septic shock
• Check Hb
» HB low: Haemorrhagic shock

What to do as HO (if haemorrhagic shock?)
• Prepare patient
• Form
• Symptomatic -  Blood tx - after d/w MO
• Berapa pint? Whole blood ke pack cell?
• Pack cell. Hb aim > 10, 1 pint akan membuat HB
naik sampai 1 - 1.5g
Sambil awaiting pack cell?
(Sejam biasanya blood bank nak prepare blood)
» Can give IV bolus normal saline : 20cc/kg/

Hypovolumic Shock

Example in case :
1. DKA
2. Burn

• CBS >11 (Capillary blood sugar)
• PH < 7.3
• HCO3 < 15

◊ IX

◊ Why dalam DKA BP drop?
Fluid enter intracellular due to hyperlgycemia in cell.
So treatment underlying cause is by reduce high glucose.

◊ Inotropes of choice?
IV Noradrenaline.

◊ If patient burn?
Loss circulating volume due to burn.
◊ Tx underlying factor?
• Put pt on dressing, pt on antibiotic
• Prevent infection
• IV NS 20 cc/ KG/ Hr

◊ Septic shock :
 Tx same as hypovolemic shock but +

◊ Apa beza allergic reaction/anaphylaxtic/ anaphylaxis shock
• Allergic : Urticaria (skin n mucus membrane)
• Anaphylaxtic : urticaria (skin n mucus membrane n
systemic( respiratory +/- cardiovascular)
• Anaphylaxic shock : anaphylaxtic reaction and BP

» Tx : IM Adrenaline : 0.5 mg at lateral tigh,
wait for 5 min, if sx resolve, tak perlu buat
» If not resolve, give second dose but in
contralateral side

» If still not resolve : IV Adrenaline ( only can
be given if planned by specialist)
◊ IV adrenaline most case use if patient yang case asystole je

◊ Symptomatic tx
» IV Hydrocort 200mg
» T Prednisolone 30mg (Both same efficacy)
» IV Piriton / Syr Piriton
» IV Ranitidine (help reduce hypersensitivity
and GI symptom)

» Inotropes : IV Noradrenaline : need to give
only if pt given IM Adrenaline already. If pt on
triple inotropes, refer anest.

Spinal Shock
Cause cth: MVA - vetebral injury and fracture
BP okey?
Boleh tunggu turn for operation.
Tapi some case BP can drop.
Why in spinal shock BP boleh drop?
• Sebab injury to nerve innervate blood vessel
• Spinal cord f(x) nya maintain blood vessel tone
• Treatment by IV Noradrenaline : help in
vasoconstrict and increase BP

Kredit to Dr Hilmi (Husband Dr Iliana) in PreHO KB by
Medicorp kerana ajar kami tajuk ni.

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