Selasa, 19 November 2019


Type :

1. ALL

2. AML

3. JMML - juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (rare)


What poor prognostic factor leukemia

- Male poorer

- Total White > 50

Age ; less than 2 year

- Phidalephia chromosome (in JCML)

- Hypodiploid Karyotype (such as in Turner Syndrome) -if hyperploid like Klinefelter/Down Syndrome good prognosis

- More than 10@12 year old

- CNS involvement 

- Splenomegally

- Hepatosplenomegally

- Bone marrow karyotype (percent blast cell)

- Response to first chemotherapy

-Mediastinum mass


Significant side effect chemo? - but rate of occurance rare 


- Tumor Lysis syndrome

(hyperkalemia, hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, hyperuraemia - lead to Arrythmia / Kidney injury )


- Leukoencephalopathy (white matter disease)

- Night blindness

- Reduce hearing  (bleomycin)

- Pulmonary fibrosis

Cardiac : dilated cardiomyopathy, arrythmia, bradycardia 

- Peripheral Neuropathy 

GIT : Antropathy

- Renal Toxicity

- Infertility 


Urgent Referal 

- SVC obstruction

- Mediastinal mass


- Tumor Compression Effect (spinal compression effect need urgent referal)

- Febrile Neutropenia (late give antibiotic can cause death to patient)


🌸Mediastinal widening - leukaemia

SVC obstruction - Lymphoma


🌸Prognostic ALL

- Bone Marrow Karyotype


🌸Tumor Lysis syndrome mx?

- Hyperhydration

- Do not add pottasium, do not tranfuse  blood cell except indicated, give hyperhyration


🌸Drug to prevent urate nephropathy

- Rasburicase / previously allopurinol



🌸Iron Chelation agent.

Eg : Desferal/ DFP/ Etc


Need to give Vit C to increase iron absorbtion. 


8. Why patient thallasemia will have hyperpigmented skin?


🌸Because hemosiderin deposition in subcutaneous tissue.


9. How you monitor iron overload? Any blood parameter we can see?

🌸Serum Feritin level.


10. At what level of serum ferritin that we need to give iron chelation agent?

🌸If more than 1000 mcg/L


11. How we give desferal, by what route? For how long?


Eg : DFO : sc infusion 8-12 hours  for 5 nights per week.


(Boleh double check Thallasemia Protocol Malaysia)


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