Ahad, 17 November 2019


1. Which patient we put POP, which
patient we put backslab? Apa beza?

• Full cast POP usually we do after CMR to keep
stabilize fracture that we already reduced,
kalau letak backslab no pointlah kita reduce
bersungguh2, nanti ia akan tertarik balik la kan?
Radius/ ulnar fracture yang no need operation
biasanya kita letak full POP, for conservative mx,
then pt boleh balik.

• Back slab we use for temporary immobilize je,
contohnya letak kat ED, sementara nak menunggu
turn op beberapa hari tu kita boleh guna backslab.

• Above Elbow backslab/Above Knee/Below Knee/
Boot slab

• U Slab/Volar slab/Sugar Tong.
Itulah contoh jenis-jenis slab

2. DFU bagi antibiotic apa?
• IV Unasyn to cover polymicrobial usually kita
bagi, tapi tengoklah juga result tissue CnS atau
Pus CnS yang kita dapat masa pt underwent
wound debridement dalam OT tu organism apa,
then kita change antibiotic base on sensitivity.

3. Necrotizing Fascitis? Bagi antibiotic apa?
• Empirically - penicillin, Clindamycin, Metronidazole
• Kalau strep atau clostridium - Penicillin ‘
• Polymicrobial - Meropenam
(Depend on sensitivity)

4. Cloxacillin cover apa? Gentamicin?
Unasyn? Cefuroxime? Rifampicin?
• IV Cloxacillin 1g QID - more on gram positive
(cellulitis biasa bagi ni)
• Iv Cefuroxime 750mg TDS/ Tab Cefuroxime 250
BD - more on gram positive, patient prophylaxtic
nak masuk OT kita bgi ni, post op plating pun kita
bagi, mungkin sampai seminggu?

• IV unasyn Diabetic Foot Ulcer
• Tab Rifampicin 300mg BD - good for bone
penatrating- boleh bagi utk Pt Osteomyelitis, but
need to monitor RFT weekly, ask orange color
urine to know compliance.

5. Why irrigate with a lot normal saline in
open fracture?
• Bagi stat dose antibiotic as soon as possible,
then irrigate to Reduce Bacterial Load.

6. Sciatic nerve branch? Post op nak
check apa? Foot drop disebabkan
nerve mana yang affected?

• Sciatic Nerve ada dua branch

» Common Peroneal Nerve (Give branch to
Deep Peroneal Nerve (supply ms anterior
compartment leg n sensory 1st web spacs)
and Superficial Peroneal Nerve- supply lateral
compartment leg and dorsum foot exept 1st
web space)

» Tibial Nerve
• Foot drop - injury to common peroneal nerve

7. Calceneum pin insertion medial ke
lateral? Nak avoid nerve apa? High
tibial pin?

• Calceneum pin must inserted from medial to
lateral - 1/4 posterior from tip med malleolus tu
calceneum. To avoid neurovascular bundle over
medial side. Ada tibial nerve, tibial artery.
• High tibial pin - insert from lateral, to avoid
common peroneal nerve near head fibula

8. Skin traction? Berapa maxima berat
untuk letak pemberat? Nak balut
sampai mana? Apa yang kena monitor?
Kawasan masa yang mudah nak kena
pressure sore?

• Skin traction - not more than 5% body weight
Bandage up to distal part of fracture.

• Usually some hosp prefer non adhesive type
because can irritate patient skin, skin excoriation
can occur.

• Put some orthoban to prevent pressure sore.
Post application must monitor distal circulation
chart( crt, dpa pta palpable or not, able to move
ankle and toes)

Most importantly pressure sore- if pt pun on backslab, check
at bony prominence - medial/ lateral malleolus, calceneum and
head of fibula (deep peroneal nerve kat situ)

9. Skeletal traction? How much weight?
• Not more than 10% body weight

10.Fat embolism syndrome nak check
macam mana?
Pt can have SOB, tachycardia, drowsiness, Fever suddenly.
Check petichae over armpit, conjunctiva and chest.
GURD Criteria

11.Median, radial and ulnar nerve nak
check di point mana?
• Median - medial to distal phalanx index finger
Radial - anatomical snuff box
Ulnar - tepi little finger

12.OK sign nak test hand untuk nerve
• Can do O (index and thumb) - Median Nerve
opponen pollicis
Able to extend wrist - Radial Nerve
Able to extend medial 3 finger - Ulnar Nerve

13.Open fracture management?
• Secure bleeding
• Large bore branulla - iv fluid
• Analgesic

• V cefuroxime (+IV Gentamicin, + IV Flagyl) -
depend on severity and dirty
• ATT injection
• Irrigate with a lot NS/ water for irrigation
• Immobilize - backslab/skin traction/ splinting/ to
reduce pain
• External Fixator first until wound closure
• Dressing
• Once open fracture become close fracture, can
do internal fixation

14.Neck of femur fracture? Apa beza total
hip athroplasty, bipolar and unipolar?
In which patient and which operation?
Premorbidly? Age factor?

• Old age >6yo usually can do orthosynthesis,
if young patient <65yo can try screw first, to
give time, if anything happen, can proceed with
orthosynthesis later.

• Must ask premobidly able to ambulate or socially
active or not because can affect mx

15.LRINEC Score NF?
• L (leucocyte) / R (RBS) / I infective parameter
(CRP)/ E Anemia (HB) /C : (Creatinine)
» Total White Cell
» Glucose
» Na
» Creatinine
» Hb

16.NF vs Cellulitis?
• NF - Not well demarcated margin, purplish, bullae,
aggresive worsen, crepitus
17.DFU - examination/history/classification/
pharmaco/ non pharmaco/ surgical tx

18.Plating/ internal fixation?
• Plating yang biasa saya tengok - plating fibula,
tibia plateau fracture, radius/ ulnar butress
• Internal fixation more on lower limb
• Midashaft tibia fracture, femur fracture

19. Interlocking nail, plating, butress plate,
cerclage, tension band wiring.
• Tension Band Wiring - Patella fracture, malleolus
• Screw - small fracture, malleoulus, head fibula
• K Wire - Small bone fracture MCB, MTB.
• Spring plate - Acetabulum fracture

20.Clavicle fracture can be mx

• Can be manage conservatively usually by just use
armsling, but in certain condition can do plating
(hook)- eg pt also had lower limb fracture, need
to use crutches to ambulate, so need to operate
clavice for early mobilization. Pernah juga tengok
patient had bilateral clavicle fracture also need to

21.Septic arthritis?
• Kocher criteria?
• X- ray changes? ROM?
• One of orthopedic emergency

22.KOCHER criteria
» Pt will have fever
» Increase Total White Cell
» ESR/CRP increase
» Unable to weightbear
» Limited ROM join
» X Ray - Increase in join space

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