Ahad, 17 November 2019


1. Ulnar N lesion? High lesion? Median

• Ulnar nerve lesion
» More distal (low lesion)- more clawing, FDP
middle and ring finger still functioning.
» More proximal (high lesion)- less clawing,
FDP not functioning

• Median nerve - benediction sign
Unable to make fist- cant flex 2nd and 3rd finger. (Lesion at
wrist or elbow)

2. Thomas test to check what? How?
• Put our left hand at the back of patient until the
spine lordosis obliterated, then flex right hip
fully, then if there is fix flexion deformity over
left side(contralateral side), left hip will be in flex
position (need to measure the angle - from bed.
so, kalau nak kira left hip flexion nanti from ?
angle to ? Angle...cth 15 degree to 130 degree.

3. Compartment syndrome?
• Increase intracompartmental pressure - bleeding
or swelling

• Decrease compartment space - thight bandage
or dressing
• Symptoms 5 P
• Excruciating pain - very painful despite adequate
analgesic, upon passive stretch test.
• Pallor
• Pulseless
• Paraesthesia
• Paralysis

4. Cauda equina syndrome? Causes
• Symptom - lowback pain, saddle anaesthesia,
unable to control bladder/bowel

• Ddx :
» Prolapse intervetebral disc
» Trauma
» Epidural abcess
» Epidural Hematoma
» Tb spine

5. Posterior hip dislocation? Anterior?
Attitude of lower limb? Which
• Posterior hip dislocation
» dashboard injury
» Hip adduction
» Flexion hip
» Hip internal rotation

• Anterior hip dislocation
» extension hip
» external rotation

6. Union/ non union/ delayed union?
• Non Union - Fracture not unite unless done
surgical intervention
• Delayed Union
• Failure to unite during expected time to united
base on type and location fracture

7. Differential diagnosis Unilateral/
Bilateral lower limb swelling?

• Unilateral
» Deep Vein Thrombisis
» Hematoma
» Cellulitis
» Abcess

• Bilateral
» Chronic kidney disease - fluid overload
» Congestive cardiac failure
» Pelvic mas

8. What to access in per rectal
• Perianal sensation
• Anal tone/ Laxity
• Voluntery contraction
• Deep sensation
• Prostate- presence of sulci - firm

1.       Low back pain? Red flag to ask?

• Redflag
» Neurological deficit - sensation/ reduce
power/ urinary or bladder incontinence
» Fever?
» H/O trauma
» Unexplained weigh loss

10.DDH - ortolani/ barlow test Tx, palvic
• Screening -
Barlow test(dislocate) - adduct push outside
Ortolani (relocate- ) - abduct push inside
Positive barlow - cannot bagi dislocate hip,
bcoz hip already outside, then we do ortolani
hip masuk, also when try dislocate it will easily
dislocate back.

• Mx
1. Double diapers
2. Palvic Harness
11.Why we do dressing?
• Reduce Bacterial Load
• Prevent infection/contamination
• Provide good environtment for tissue formation

12.Which case use VAC dressing?
• No expose bone/tendon
• Clean
• Non infected

13.Carpal tunnel syndrome - Tinnel test,
Phalen test
[Cari gambar atau video ya]

14.Knee examination- ant drawer/ post
drawer/ lachman test
[Tak tahu nak describe in word macam mana)

15.Galleazi fracture/ montagia fracture
• Galleazi - Fracture 1/3 distal part radius w DRUJ
• Montagia - Fracture proximal 1/3 ulnar with
radial head dislocation
Ingat MU - montagia, ulnar = upper

16.Garden classification neck femur
Type 1 - Incomplete #
Type 2 - Complete undisplace
Type 3 - Complete partially diaplace
Type 4 - Complete and fully displace

17.Shenton’s line?
• A line that continous from inferior border of
superior pubic rami, to medial border of neck of
• Loss of contour one of sign neck of femur fracture.
Tapi ada je NOF but not cause loss shenton’s line.

18.Open book fracture pelvic?
[Carilah ye gambar macam mana]
One of orthopaedic emergency, disruption pelvic ring.
Pt can have a lot blood loss.

19.Application tourniquet? How much
• Upper Limb - 100mmHg more than systolic BP
• Lower Limb - 150mmgh more than systolic BP

20.Parameter good wound healing?
» HB - Not anaemia
» TWC - Not high TWC
» Albumin - Not Hypoalbuminaemia

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